"NEVER GIVE UP" is more than just a slogan...its a lifestyle  


Become a Volunteer for our Children

Volunteers are the backbone of ONE VOICE.

Volunteers are West Virginia’s greatest natural resource. An ethic of helping and service are inherent parts of our State’s culture. In West Virginia, extraordinary volunteers are involved daily in a wide range of activities, both formal and informal, in every imaginable aspect of local and regional life. Volunteering is a powerful force for change and for community growth and development. The commitment of time and energy West Virginians have given reflects their dedication to improving lives and represents a vital contribution to our communities and society as a whole.


When you volunteer, you give your time, energy, skills and talents. You give to your family and friends, to your neighbors, to your community. Sometimes, you are giving to people you don’t know, to people hundreds of miles away. Giving is one of the reasons why people volunteer. Their contributions to others and to their communities bring them feelings of self-fulfillment and the knowledge that they have made a difference.

Volunteering is also a way of “giving back.” It’s a way of recognizing countless others who, in big ways and small, have made life around them richer and better through their donations of time and effort.

But there is more to volunteering than giving. As a volunteer, you also receive! You reap personal benefits and enhance your personal growth:



You may discover hidden strengths and talents when you volunteer. You may be able to assume responsibilities or take on challenges you didn't know you could do.



You’ll learn to appreciate and work with people's differences as a volunteer. As a result, you'll stay in touch with your community’s needs and issues. Your awareness of the challenges and barriers to change of those in your community will grow through real experience.


A great advantage of volunteering is getting to practice adjusting to new situations, people and experiences. The more practice you get, the greater your self-awareness and self-confidence.



Volunteering empowers you. Many volunteer jobs require you to act independently and take initiative. Such jobs give you a sense of control over your own life: you set your goals, make your choices and follow your routines. When you know your capabilities, you have the power to change your life and the lives of others.



Why do some volunteers work without pay? They'll probably tell you they work for the fun of it. Yes, volunteering is usually fun. Remember, volunteers have chosen their jobs carefully and are appreciated for their contributions. They're doing something for the love of it. Volunteer at a music festival and you'll meet people who love music. Volunteer at a hospital and enjoy the rewards of giving comfort. Volunteer with a community theater and exercise your talents—not just in acting but in lighting, sound, construction, directing, costumes, makeup, sales and promotion.



Service-learning refers to "helping" activities undertaken by students as part of the regular school curriculum. Service-learning offers young people opportunities to try new tasks and to take on new roles. It is active learning in the familiar environment of the local community. (And often, it gives you a terrific chance to compete in job markets after graduation.)


Volunteering can give your mind, soul, heart, and body a real boost! You'll be happier and healthier and have a purpose and greater sense of self-satisfaction. Volunteering can even lower your stress level, heighten your immune system and help you sleep better at night. Go ahead. Give it a try!  

Only through the hard work and commitment of our volunteers, is ONE VOICE able to educate parents, help children and teens and create the necessary public education that protects children.

If you are considering volunteering we hope the following information helps you find the opportunity you are looking for. Volunteers are needed to make a serious commitment. Your time commitments can range from a few hours for a single project to as much time as you have available.

Try something new. Learn new skills and meet new people.

Make Kids A Priority Campaign

Children and their safety must be our priority!

You can help make them a priority by volunteering. 

ONE VOICE is always looking for volunteers to help in several areas including:

Educational and Public Awareness Outreach
Development and Fund Raising
Community Involvement

Special Events

Marketing, Public Relations, and Advertising
Speakers Bureau


        Think about what area of work you would enjoy most. 

ONE VOICE volunteers do many different things.

Some host fundraisers and coordinate special events, others get involved in raising public awareness. Possibly you’d like to use your public speaking experience and get involved in our Speaker’s Bureau.


You might even want to get your company to support us in hosting and sponsoring, events, sponsoring cause-related marketing initiatives and campaigns, donating and matching funds, donating printing, and offering corporate volunteers.

There’s so much to do! Call, write, fax or e-mail your interest to our office. Tell us about yourself and what you would like to do as a ONE VOICE  volunteer.

We’ll send you a volunteer application and may ask you to come in for a preliminary interview.

If you’re accepted to our volunteer program, we’ll contact you and prepare you for the fulfilling experiences ahead of you.

Children Learn What They Live

If a child lives with criticism, they learn to condemn.
If a child lives with hostility, they learn to fight.
If children live with fear, they learn to be apprehensive,
If children live with pity, they learn to feel sorry for themselves,
If a child lives with ridicule, he learns to be shy.
But do not despair ...
If a child lives with tolerance, they learn to be patient.
If a child lives with encouragement, they learn confidence.
If a child lives with praise, they learn to appreciate.
If a child lives with fairness, they live with justice.
If a child lives with security, they live to have faith.
If a child lives with approval, they learn to like himself.
If a child lives with acceptance and friendship.
they learn to find love in the world.

Dorothy Law Nolte